Vardan Sotelo
Despit's Prized Gladiolus
basic info
- human, filipino-colombian
- gender: genderflux
- pronouns: they/he
- sexuality: demi
- age: 22
- birthday: april 20, 1976
- gift: magic, agrokinesis/fragokinesis

- magician in mirabelle's circus, performing at the paragon under duress
- born in caveta, currently imprisoned in despit
- quiet kid that kept to themself. spent days studying the various records and books their family has kept for generations
- since they were a toddler, vardan begged their parents to teach them how to perform new magic, as zinn and ren taught themselves photokinesis and telekinesis respectively. but both of them said no for years, fearing the risk of losing their child (learning new magic isn't something to be trifled with)
- finally, zinn gave vardan the okay to learn a new type of magic, with the condition that they'll only use it under xyr and ren's supervision
- family was captured and taken to despit after ethan boulenger became caveta's chancellor
- rien forced them to use explosion magic for the sake of the circus. he doesn't care if they're more inexperienced, or if it puts more strain on their body. fireworks are much more eye-catching than some stupid flower they can grow (his words)
- mirabelle instructed her husband rien to keep a close eye on them, in case they had thoughts of escaping
- analytical
- good listener
- does not give people they hate the time of day
- cynical, doesn't trust easily. if they were around nicer folks, that might melt away
- isn't one to initiate conversation. wouldn't be seen at social events if given the chance. vardan would rather be at home or at a library chilling than be in a position where they absolutely Have to socialize
- weaponizes people's quirks/life stories/etc. to use against them in an argument. they'd say shit that would make you think, "what the fuck, that's really low." on the flip side, if one was friendly with vardan, they'll do/say things the person would appreciate
- 5'8"/~173cm; slim build
- short, messy, purple hair
- red eyes. has dark circles under their eyes
- near-sighted. wears glasses with simple, black, rectangular frames
- voice claim
- scarred chest and back
- inherited agrokinesis/plant magic from both parents, and is therefore stronger. began practicing fragokinesis/explosion magic as a tween
- magic limit (plants): must be around plants/have seeds to perform magic
- magic limit (explosion): capable of making someone bleed or lose some hearing, but this is taxing on their body. can use this to light candles
General Info
family: zinnia sotelo (parent); ren sotelo (parent)
- harbors complicated feelings towards his parents: sorrow, resentment, bitterly envying them for dying (according to rien)
Major Relationships
Rien Meneur
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

Ethan Boulenger
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

Minor Relationships
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

other info
- afraid of lightning — a childhood fear they were never able to overcome
- their favorite animal? cats — so much so they've mirrored a couple mannerisms for stimming. only does this with people they are comfortable around
- would wear aloha shirts casually
- loves puns, especially really bad ones. will not admit it
- dislikes beaches
- witnessing animal abuse puts them on edge
- would carry seeds on their person if they could, for magical purposes, but rien makes sure they don't
- interested in dancing with others — they've read many books and practiced some moves! but... they're too shy to ask
- took singing lessons when they were younger; wanted to better their singing voice prior to their capture. complimenting it is a surefire way to fluster them
created: 2019
reference notes
- DO NOT WHITEWASH (e.g. lighten skin, etc.)
- do not omit glasses
- different outfits okay
- outfit shown in main reference: light pink dress shirt, reddish-brown vest, purple tailcoat with a frock coat's skirt, dark purple pants, and burgundy velvet slippers
- costume for mirabelle's circus: a white tunic, dark grey pants, white boots that have purple gladioli etched on the sides, and a cape with more gladioli embroidered on the back. forced to have "neat" hair. he absolutely hates this look; do not draw him happy in this getup