Paulo Perfeito-Alto
Paragon of Humanity
basic info
- human, portuguese
- gender: agender
- pronouns: any pronouns
- sexuality: no labels
- age: 47
- birthday: february 25, 1951
- gift: blessed

- ceo of the leading gem business in caveta, perfeito-alto industries. owner of the paragon, a new luxury cruise liner
- born in esperanza, currently living in caveta
- developed an interest in gemology thanks to the gem enterprise their family ran
- lazed around a lot in their youth, flaunted their status
- travelled all over hangarin thanks to the wealth their family possessed. frequented caveta, and eventually settled down there when keeping their distance from their family
- met ethan when they moved to caveta, getting along thanks to similar views
- took in three siblings to be their servants. met dr. sol, demanding he diagnose and cure one of them
- worked out a deal with ethan where they would support his campaign to be leader of caveta in exchange for a piece of land which, at the time, was occupied by a library owned by magic users
- once ethan takes office, he holds up his part of the deal. they work to get the library shut down, and the family who owned it arrested. after demolishing the library, work on the mansion began
- the ceo of perfeito industries/paulo's parent sees paulo in cahoots with someone of a high stature. seeing they were able to get rid of a notable magic-centric place as well, they decide that it was time for paulo to finally take their position
- to celebrate becoming ceo, paulo gets to work on the paragon, as they wanted to do More with the company. their personal mansion being fully construction wasn't enough for them
- made sure everyone knew about the paragon. even the gods
- grandiose
- impatient
- will not take no for an answer
- enjoys a good debate, but may be focused more on winning than trying to come to an understanding if things get too heated
- might not be as sensitive when it comes to understanding complicated interpersonal issues, and generally believes there is always a simple solution to a problem
- capable of fully using their power to maintain control over others. they are also very, VERY stupid. a dangerous combination
- height 6'3"/~190cm; large and imposing build
- silver hair tied up in the saddest bun
- yellow eyes
- ocean diamond placement: right shirt collar, tie, and tattooed on their body
- fights dirty + sadistically, but most of the time gets others to do the dirty work
General Info
family: eduardo perfeito-alto (parent); sarinha perfeito-alto (parent); ginessa perfeito-alto (parent)
- didn't have the best relationship with their parents early on. never felt good enough for them; perfectionism stemmed from their family
- often the life of the party and thrives in social situations
Major Relationships
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

Minor Relationships
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

other info
- anti-magic, yet wants to be blessed by the gods with the Strongest magic
- type of person who would make plumbing tubes made out of malachite because "the sea green aesthetic is perfect for the restrooms" (- yoinked from zetyr dms)
- favorite animal is anything large, imposing, powerful
created: october 2019
- named after a billionaire
reference notes
- DO NOT WHITEWASH (e.g. lighten skin, etc.)
- different outfits okay
- patterns can be simplified
- wears garish clothing
- outfit shown in reference: holographic, platinum grey suit with diamond buttons; a purple dress shirt; black tie; holographic, black pants; and white leather loafers that have gold lining the soles