Dawn Hamad
bonus broadcast (if applicable)
basic info
- human, syrian
- gender: nonbinary trans woman
- pronouns: any pronouns; uses feminine/gender neutral terms
- sexuality: uses no labels
- age: 22
- birthday: august 23, 1975
- gift: talent, critical perception

- one of paulo's head servants
- born and raised in caveta
- parents died from unnatural causes. she and her sibs were taken in by a family friend, camellia, whom the three affectionately called their auncle
- cam taught them that one could live happily without being super wealthy. dawn especially took this to heart
- a few years later, cam got sick, too weak to get out of bed
- shortly after, dawn grew ill and became bedridden as well. her sibs volunteered to go out and get any necessities in cam's place
- paulo found the siblings and brought them all in as servants. initially they just wanted burr, but was convinced to take ziri and dawn
- was able to recover to full health thanks to the medical aid provided by paulo... only to get hit with the news that she could never see camellia again
- her remaining family's relationship deteriorated over the years, with fighting between ziri and burr growing in frequency
- thoughts that she shouldn't exist festered. wishes that she never fell ill in the first place
- the months leading up to the paragon's first voyage were much more bearable, now that she had more people to talk to
- height f'in"/~cm; build
- dark hair that's shoulder length
- dark brown eyes
- voice claim (warnings for heavy amounts of gore)
- scars + any notable physical traits
- allergies (if applicable)
- ocean diamond placement: placement
- type(s) of magic used and how they got it (if applicable)
- talent/magic limit: if applicable
- passive effect: if applicable
General Info
family: amal hamad (mother — deceased); tal hamad (father — deceased); camellia (auncle); burr hamad (older sibling); ziri hamad (older sister)
Major Relationships
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

Minor Relationships
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?
relationship standing
♫ artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

other info
- has [neurodivergence if applicable]
- afraid of [fear]
- favorite animal is [animal]
created: ???
reference notes
- DO NOT WHITEWASH (e.g. lighten skin, etc.)
- do not omit glasses
- different outfits okay
- patterns can be simplified
- outfit shown in reference: outfit info