Cody Kamzhik

The Easygoing Caregiver

basic info

  • human, albanian
  • gender: male (trans man)
  • pronouns: he/him
  • sexuality: pan gay
  • age: 23
  • birthday: february 23, 1975
  • gift: magic, photokinesis


  • nurse working for soloman baraka
  • born and raised in esperanza, moved to caveta to pursue nurse career
  • lived in a well-off household
  • thought he could handle the hardships that came with working in the medical field. boy was he Wrong
  • witnessing one too many deaths worsened his fear to the point of refusing to leave his house. was able to overcome the fear enough to get back to his job as a nurse in another hospital. working with a new, much nicer doctor who understands his fear of death has helped immensely
  • brought onboard by dr. sol as their plus one/additional help


  • very chill, hard to annoy
  • wears his heart on his sleeve
  • has trouble properly articulating inner thoughts
  • super casual, dislikes the idea of coming off as snobby


  • 6'/~182cm; muscular build
  • neck-length, tousled, light orange hair that partially covers his face
  • yellow eyes
  • voice sounds like this
  • growing out a goatee
  • athletic
  • born with photokinesis. does not know he has it due to his upbringing


General Info

family: burim kamzhik (parent); capella kamzhik (mother); feride kamzhik (cousin)
  • parents chided him for many, many things: hanging out with the "wrong crowd" (shooting hoops with peers that aren't rich or are magic users); showing weakness (asking them for support); disgracing the family name (being down to earth and daring to consider careers that weren't dignified in their eyes)
  • keeps contact with family to a minimum

Major Relationships

Soloman Baraka
gets along well with dr. sol. both of them have had bad experiences in their line of work prior to working together. helps him calm patients down

relationship standing
artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

relationship standing
artist - song
what oc thinks about [name]. could be positive, negative. when did they meet?

Minor Relationships

Iseul Audra Jolyu
chill bud
buddy-buddy with audra. did not realize they were the one who made music he would play on repeat at one in the morning in his apartment until they casually brought it up

other info

  • afraid of death
  • favorite animal? fish. any kind, especially saltwater ones
  • loves beaches, and the sea as a whole. one of the things he misses about esperanza. but at least he'll be on a ship soon
created: march 2008

reference notes

  • doesn't bind
  • different outfits okay
  • almost always seen wearing sunglasses. dr. sol's chill enough to let him keep them on during work
  • when outside of work, he's seen wearing aloha shirts or anything that looks tropical. dislikes wearing stuffy suits
  • outfit shown in reference: a pair of black sunglasses, blue scrubs, and dark blue shoes
