Burr Hamad
bonus broadcast (if applicable)
basic info
- human, syrian
- gender: uses no labels for gender
- pronouns: they/he; uses gender neutral terms
- sexuality: no labels
- age: 27
- birthday: july 17, 1971
- gift: talent, craftsmanship

- one of paulo's head servants. excels at his job
- born and raised in caveta
- eldest of the hamad siblings
- parents died of unnatural causes. a family friend, camellia, took the kids in shortly after
- a few years later, camellia grew too weak to get out of bed. dawn became ill and was also bedridden
- ziri and burr volunteered to go out and get necessities in their auncle's place
- one day, on his way home, burr inadvertently slighted paulo (probably literally bumping into them or scuffing a shoe or something extremely stupid)
- the day after, paulo ends up taking in the kids
- he is indebted to paulo, what with his sister being saved from the brink of death
- cannot imagine a future without his siblings. cannot imagine a future where he isn't working for paulo either
- stickler for rules. expects ziri and dawn to follow his example
- believes he must carry the burden of saving his siblings from the cruelty rife in hangarin
- cannot bring himself to tell anyone about what happened the day he met paulo
- speaks formally, even outside of work. swears the least out of the three; uses strong language when really upset
- 5'10"/~177cm; average build
- short, neat copper hair
- dark brown eyes
- has a copper cuff on their left wrist. paulo gave it to them; they make sure to take good care of it
- ocean diamond placement: breast pocket (left, hidden by suit), one logo on both sleeves of their suit
- talent: craftsmanship. can make any object with ease IF, and only if, he has someone in mind. e.g. if he's tasked with making a bow, he'll have trouble making it exceptional. however, if he visualizes ziri using it, he'll be able to make it with ease
General Info
family: amal hamad (mother - deceased); tal hamad (father - deceased); camellia (auncle); ziri hamad (younger sibling); dawn hamad (younger sister)
- highly values family
- fiercely protective of sibs
- closest to his mother back when she was still alive. enjoyed going out to parks with amal, looking at what nature had to offer. cherishes the time he spent with her. longs to reunite with his parents
Major Relationships
Paulo Perfeito-Alto
Boss. Savior
♫ devo - puppet boy
forever indebted to his master. as a representative of paulo perfeito-alto, he shall not stand for any slander against them and their company
Boss. Savior
♫ devo - puppet boy
forever indebted to his master. as a representative of paulo perfeito-alto, he shall not stand for any slander against them and their company

Ziri Hamad
Annoying Scab
dislikes ziri's rebellious attitude and her refusal to see that paulo taking them all in was actually a good thing. fights with her frequently. used to be close when they were kids, but their relationship has gotten strained over the years
Annoying Scab
dislikes ziri's rebellious attitude and her refusal to see that paulo taking them all in was actually a good thing. fights with her frequently. used to be close when they were kids, but their relationship has gotten strained over the years

Dawn Hamad
Baby Sister
especially protective of dawn. doesn't want to risk losing her again. assumes dawn understands that the reason she and her sibs are working for paulo is for her sake
Baby Sister
especially protective of dawn. doesn't want to risk losing her again. assumes dawn understands that the reason she and her sibs are working for paulo is for her sake

Minor Relationships
Anahera Kanotea
Other Boss
initially thought he would harbor negative feelings towards anahera like he does with ziri, but to his surprise, they both get along well. he's considered telling her more about his family's past, but...
Other Boss
initially thought he would harbor negative feelings towards anahera like he does with ziri, but to his surprise, they both get along well. he's considered telling her more about his family's past, but...

Nicer Off Camera...?
on good terms with kalama, albeit the things she has said confused him. why is she offering to help him learn how to cook? why did she say that she would be more than happy to let his family work for her and help them find work? serving paulo is the only job fit for him and his family
Nicer Off Camera...?
on good terms with kalama, albeit the things she has said confused him. why is she offering to help him learn how to cook? why did she say that she would be more than happy to let his family work for her and help them find work? serving paulo is the only job fit for him and his family

other info
- terrified of family death. can't bear the thought of losing someone else close to him. not again
- favorite animal is the dolphin
- will not stand for slander against paulo or ppa industries
- interested in traveling. delighted that the paragon would give him this opportunity
- good at cooking. still makes the things his father tal cooked back then when he can find the time. too bad paulo won't even bother trying anything made by burr's hands
created: ~2008-'09
reference notes
- DO NOT WHITEWASH (e.g. lighten skin, etc.)
- different outfits okay
- patterns can be simplified
- work outfit shown in reference: a teal bow tie, a grey suit, a white dress shirt, a copper cuff, a dark grey skirt, grey tights, and white shoes
- ocean diamond placement: breast pocket (left, hidden by suit), one logo on both sleeves of their suit